High Tech Socks


A growing trend among competitive athletes and weekend warriors is the use of graduated compression socks to help improve their athletic performance and recovery. As the global leader in graduated compression therapy, SIGVARIS creates truly superior sports products featuring true graduated compression for athletes and active people. Athletes who wear SIGVARIS Sports Socks and Sleeves will benefit from:

  • Increased circulation and improved blood flow
  • Increased oxygen to muscle tissue
  • Reduced pulled muscles and less exercised-induced muscle soreness in the legs
  • Less lactic acid buildup in the legs during exercise
  • Improved energy, performance and recovery
  • Injury prevention and reduced shin splints & calf cramps

Peak Your Performance

  • Improved blood circulation and oxygen delivery
  • Less aching & cramping
  • Thermal & odor control
  • Achilles tendon protector reduces vibration on ligaments

How to Measure

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Book a consultation with one of our team members to address your orthotic needs.

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